Lessons from My Tech Troubles: Finding Light at the End of the Tunnel

Lessons from  My Tech Troubles: Finding Light at the End of the Tunnel

Every problem has a solution. If you haven't found a solution, it means you haven't searched for it thoroughly. Keep searching.

Since yesterday evening, I discovered that my laptop is not connecting. I tried all possible means to establish a connection, even switching from 3G to 4G (I don't have 5G available yet). However, the problem persisted.

Early this morning, I decided to change my browsing location to outside my house, but to my surprise, the problem remained unresolved. I wondered what was going on.

I attempted to troubleshoot the system, and that's when I encountered an error message - "DNS SERVER FAILURE." As a programmer, I'm familiar with Domain Name Servers, so I couldn't help but wonder why my PC was facing a DNS server failure. Various questions raced through my mind.

I copied the error phrase and turned to the web for help, specifically, Mr. Google. Google provided me with some tips, one of which was to disable my antivirus.

Immediately, I remembered that I had installed a PC antivirus a few days ago to ensure my system remained clean and that my clients' websites wouldn't have issues. Without hesitation, I went straight to the Control Panel and, to my surprise, found three antivirus programs installed on the system. This was not good. I must have done this in a hurry without realizing it. I uninstalled all but one, which I needed.

After restarting my PC, I launched my browser and tried to access my favorite website. Instead of encountering the same problem, I successfully connected. It was a miracle!

But then, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten to connect and enable my Wi-Fi on the PC. Once I did that, everything started working perfectly!

The joy in my heart was immeasurable. What did I learn from this experience? That every problem has a solution. Trust me, there is a solution; just don't give up. Keep searching and don't hesitate to consult with like-minded individuals if you can't find the solution on your own. Learn from my personal experience.

I love you 


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